25 Luglio 2023
IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience 2023 The technological and industrial revolution brought by complex Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) comes with new threats and cyber-attacks that exploit their inherent complexity and heterogeneity. These attacks have a significant negative impact on the operation of various services in critical sectors, like energy, transport, and communications, which provide the [...]
1 Luglio 2022
IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience 2022 The technological and industrial revolution brought by complex Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) comes with new threats and cyber-attacks that exploit their inherent complexity and heterogeneity. These attacks have a significant negative impact on the operation of various services in critical sectors, like energy, transport, and communications, which provide the [...]
1 Luglio 2021
IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience 2021 The technological and industrial revolution brought by complex Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) comes with new threats and cyber-attacks that exploit their inherent complexity and heterogeneity. These attacks have a significant negative impact on the operation of various services in critical sectors, like energy, transport, and communications, which provide the [...]
5 Aprile 2016
Sono state rilasciate le prieme versioni delle check list a supporto dell’individuazione dei pericoli negli ambienti di lavoro per i disabili. Identificazione del pericolo incendio nei luoghi di lavoro per disabili Check list per l’identificazione dei pericoli nei luoghi di lavoro per disabili Check list pericoli fisioterapista (xlsx – 01/04/2016 – CC BY-NC-ND/ Vers: 1.0): Modello [...]
12 Ottobre 2015
Keynote: Risk and Resilience: Past and FutureDr. Igor LinkovCarnegie Mellon University and US Army Engineer Research and Development Center 19. 0ctober 2015, Aula Caminetto (10:30-13:00) – Distributed Systems and Internet Technolgy Lab (DISIT) – Deparment of Information Engeenering (DINFO), Via S. Marta, Firenze Risk-based approaches have been used to predict global change and mitigate consequences associated with changing [...]