25 Aprile 2024
RAIDO: Reliable AI and Data OptimisationTopic. SU-DS04-2018-2020 RAIDO is a powerful framework solution designed to develop trustworthy and green artificial intelligence (AI). Trustworthy AI focuses on ensuring the reliability, safety, and unbiased optimization and deployment of AI systems, particularly in critical applications such as healthcare, farming, energy, and robotics. On the other hand, Green AI [...]
By staff@logos-ri
24 Aprile 2024

Logos is pleased to organise the 4th edition of the IEEE Cyber Security and Resilience conference. The technological and industrial revolution brought by complex Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) comes with new threats and cyber-attacks that exploit their inherent complexity and heterogeneity. These attacks have a significant negative impact on the operation of various services in critical sectors, like […]

By staff@logos-ri
24 Aprile 2024

This February 2024, the RAIDO project embarked on its mission to redefine AI with trust and sustainability at its core, hosted by the Josef Stefan Research Institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia. RAIDO merges the latest in AI technology with ethical data practices to build Green AI solutions across vital sectors like smart grids, healthcare, and more. […]

By staff@logos-ri
24 Aprile 2024

LOGOS in collaboration with University of Florence is pleased to co-organise the 43rd International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security (SafeComp). More info at: https://www.safecomp2024.unifi.it/ Established in 1979 by the European Workshop on Industrial Computer Systems, Technical Committee 7 on Reliability, Safety and Security (EWICS TC7), SafeComp has contributed to the progress of the […]

By staff@logos-ri
25 Luglio 2023
IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience 2023 The technological and industrial revolution brought by complex Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) comes with new threats and cyber-attacks that exploit their inherent complexity and heterogeneity. These attacks have a significant negative impact on the operation of various services in critical sectors, like energy, transport, and communications, which provide the [...]
By staff@logos-ri
24 Luglio 2023
Electron: rEsilient and seLf-healed EleCTRical pOwer NanogridTopic. SU-DS04-2018-2020 In the era of hyper-connected digital economies, the smart technologies play a vital role in the operation of the Electrical Power and Energy Systems (EPES), transforming it into a new, decentralised model with multiple benefits, such as distributed generation, pervasive control, remote monitoring, and self-healing. However, the [...]
By staff@logos-ri
24 Luglio 2023
Terminet : nexT gEneRation sMart INterconnectEd ioTTopic ICT-56-2020 The vision of TERMINET is to provide a novel next generation reference architecture based on cutting-edge technologies such as SDN, multiple-access edge computing, and virtualisation for next generation IoT, while introducing new, intelligent IoT devices for low-latency, market-oriented use cases. TERMINET’s primary intention is to bring (more [...]
By staff@logos-ri
30 Maggio 2023
CASE 1: PERSONALIZED EVACUATION ROUTING (PER) SYSTEM A PER will serve to guide citizens in an urban environment (the city of Venice) through a safe route in real time. This use case provides an important test for EXTRACT technologies due to its geographical and social complexity: the city of Venice is composed of 118 small [...]
By staff@logos-ri
12 Novembre 2020
TERMINET’s primary intention is to bring (more efficient and accurate) decisions to the point of interest to better serve the final user targeting at applying distributed AI at the edge by using accelerated hardware and sophisticated software to support local AI model training using federated learning.
By staff@logos-ri
7 Novembre 2016

Il progetto SensiRISK basato sull’uso di dati biometrici per la valutazione dello stress e suo metodi di riduziene tramite approccio Funzionale e’ stato finanziato dalla Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze.

By staff@logos-ri